Watch live video streamed from your PCTV To Go box, on your PC or laptop—from any room in the house, or remotely over the internet from any place in the
The PCTV To Go Player is a full-featured video player application that you install on your PC or laptop, to watch video being streamed from your PCTV To Go box. In addition to being your online TV screen, PCTV To Go Player has a number of features that enhance your viewing experience.
With PCTV To Go Player, you and other viewers on your network can:
- Select a PCTV To Go box to connect to (if both local and remote PCTV To Gos are available)
- “Pause,” rewind, and resume live video, using PCTV To Go’s Time-Shifting controls
- Change channels and control other features of your video source from an Onscreen Remote
- Record and save video clips in an online Recordings album, to play back later or burn to DVD
- Create TV channel presets for quickly selecting your favorite TV channels
- Adjust video quality or switch to another video source